Our Commitment
Hidden Treasures Preschool is committed to providing childcare and quality Christian education in a safe environment where children can learn. We believe that the educational process is a partnership between the parents and the school. We have fun learning at Hidden Treasures Preschool and encourage you to visit us and see first-hand the excellent programs that we offer.
W H A T  W E  B E L I E V E

Our Philosophy

We believe that the educational foundation children receive in the first years of school may determine how well they do later in college. Small children have a natural curiosity; they are born with a desire to learn new things. Research into early childhood learning shows that we have greatly underestimated what a child can and should be learning. The preschool programs at Hidden Treasures are not just a “baby-sitting” or play-based service. They are a delightful educational experience. Our dedicated Christian teachers help provide love, care, and instruction to these precious little ones. Our preschool parents have been thrilled to see what their children have learned in reading, writing, and numbers. They love our program, and so do their children.
L E T T E R   F R O M   O U R   D I R E C T O R

We Want to Meet You!

We do not want you to just check out our website and take our word for it. There is an old saying, “Seeing is believing.” We would love to have you come to see our preschool in action so you can see for yourself that there is a reason we have been voted as “Midland’s Best Preschool”.
Thank you for your interest in Hidden Treasures Preschool. We look forward to partnering with your family as you seek to rear your children to love learning and have hearts for God and others.
Mrs. Abbey Tomko
Preschool Director


W H O   W E   A R E

Our Mission


To Educate With a

Loving Approach

Everything we do at Hidden Treasures is designed with your child in mind and for the purpose of learning.
To Provide a
Safe Enviroment
We provide hi-tech security throughout our facilities for teachers and students with individual key access for parents.
To Partner With
Parents & Families
We are committed to working with you to help meet your child’s academic, social, and spiritual needs.

Our Team

Mrs. Tomko
Preschool Director
Mrs. Balch
K3 Teacher
Mrs. Balcirak
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Bolar
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Chrysler
K4 Teacher
Miss Covel
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Daniels
K4 Teacher
Mrs. France
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Gee
K3 Teacher
Mrs. Gentle
K5 Teacher 
Miss Grove
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Haley
Teacher Assistant 
Mrs. Harshbarger
Teacher Assistant 
Mrs. Heydenburg
Teacher Assistant 
Mrs. Hunger
Early Treasures Teacher /
Assistant Director
Mrs. Kendall
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Konsdorf
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Laughner
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lewinski
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. McIntyre
ET Teacher / K3 Teacher
Mrs. Medina
K4 Teacher
Mrs. Moerdyk
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Rachwitz
Early Treasures Teacher
Mrs. T. Reece
K4 Teacher
Mrs. Rule
K4 Teacher
Mrs. Stinson
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Stothard
K3 Teacher
Mrs. Tenbusch
K3 Assistant
Mrs. Vannest
K3 Teacher
Mrs. Ward
Kindergarten Teacher
Mrs. Weleski
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. White
Teacher Assistant
Mrs. Willsie-Elder
K3 Teacher
Our Other Organizations
Need a home church? Need prayer?
We are here for you.
Continue your education with us!
Check out CBA!